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Archerr (a.k.a Paxton Rutherford), is an 18 year old musician/producer from Napa California. He has been making music as early as 2019 in the alternative genre and has been releasing studio albums since then. He has always been fearless with sharing his personal feelings in his lyrics, since he wants people to connect with his work. 


​His debut; 14 EP released when he had just turned 14, starting his music journey with the single It's Our Time. This song took on the very important message "it's our time to rock this world". These lyrics identify the feeling of having something go wrong but not knowing how to take action. The second single, titled “Pretend” talks about living in a fantasy world between two people, and how they grow apart due to their differences. This EP had a total of 5 songs and one short spoken word. This era was very short lived however, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, limiting his ability to live showcase this album. 


At the start of the Pandemic, Paxton started writing non-stop, leading to his second EP entitled “Better or Worse?”. This was originally intended to be his debut album, but most of the songs ended up going through re-writing eventually being scrapped. The album length was a total of 11 songs, but three songs were removed after changing distribution platforms. The EP has a total of 9 songs, all full length. This album was crafted from the mindset of continuity from 14 EP, leading to the feeling of normalcy in the writing. 


Following in late 2020, Paxton released his Debut album “Real Stories from a Grave”. This would be the darkest, and weirdest material he would ever write and release. The first single ‘Wicked Youth’ would be released in July of that year, following a massive move from his childhood home. The single was written about the pandemic, as most of the album was, talking about feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster, crushed by car tires, and living a lie. The second single titled ‘Hurt’, would be the first breakthrough between fiction and reality for his writing, meaning this song was about himself only. This 14-track album has 11 songs and 3 interludes. Making this the first album of his to use interludes to carry the stories. 


At the top of 2021, Paxton entered the studio again to start working on his sophomore album. He partnered with AYETEE in recording the singles for this project. ‘Parish in Paris’ released and ended up being his first single to reach 1,000 streams by itself. This album, titled ‘Consequences’ is a concept album, in which life has consequences and karma does work wonders. The album talks about how you get what you put out, and how if someone has a perception of you; it doesn’t matter what they think but what you think. 


At the end of 2021, Paxton started releasing singles for his next album, which would be titled ‘From The Outside’. Released in February 2022, this album had three singles; ‘Gate to Hell’, ‘Expiration Date’, and ‘Leave Me Alone ft. Izzi Delan’. This album is by far the longest album he has put out to date, spanning 21 tracks; with one outro, one interlude, and one intro. The album has a recurring theme of wanting to break free from a persistent dynamic; songs like ‘Cycles’, ‘Gate to Hell’, and ‘Twenty Something Mentality’ are mentioned frequently. This album helped shape Paxton’s choice to rebrand after going through some ownership troubles over his masters, months before the album came out. This issue was shortly resolved and the album was able to fully release. 


2022 was a fairly silent year for Paxton, as he was taking time to perfect the next project. This album (eventually becoming ‘Discover’) went through countless tracklist ideas, titles, and song choices. The original concept for this album was going to be a nostalgic feeling, making the listener go back in time to a place they once were freely able to do whatever. The idea was shortly scrapped after not enough content was being generated. The next concept would be an album about the four seasons (Summer, Spring, Winter and Fall). Each season would represent a different emotion for a song, but the run time was far too long. After post-production took place, the producer Paxton worked with (Jess Konye) and members of the inner-circle came up with the idea of self-discovery. This led Paxton to make a choice between keeping his identity, or separating it and rebranding entirely. The fourth album entitled ‘Discover’ would be Paxton’s most well crafted record. Starting off with the angry betrayal of ‘Prove Me Wrong’, transitioning into the soft-weird ‘Stuck in California’. This album starts out with feeling angry, confused, pissed off, and with hatred. But further in, the feeling of acceptance and self-love comes in. The final two tracks start the story of feeling crappy in certain aspects but knowing that no matter what the outcome is, you will be okay..  This album led him to earn a slot in Napa Porchfest, *unfortunately the performance was canceled after an illness took place the day of. Shortly after the release of ‘Discover’, he released an additional EP with 6-deluxe tracks that were cut from the original tracklist. There is a Spotify playlist of the original tracklist. 


Further plans for Paxton include; playing more live shows, crafting the next album, and trying to gain radio play for his newer songs. 


Personal Note:

I am so grateful for all of the materials I have been blessed with to start/continue my music career. This journey has been such an amazing experience, I am so happy to release more and more music. I am playing some live shows soon and I hope to see some of you there!

-Paxton from Archerr

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